June VHF Contest 2018


Pleasants Peak, Grid Square DM13


Loading 2m, 432 and 1296 in the Jeep after Michele and Scott arrived from San Francisco


Special rack made for the radios and the computer monitor


With the passenger seat removed, I could sit backwards, facing the radios
2m on the left, 432 on the right and 1296 in the driver's sest.


Elsa prepared a delicious BBQ steak dinner for the crew Friday evening


Checking the car-to-car radio with Fred before the drive up the hill Saturday morning



Fred at the left, Scott driving the Jeep, Peter checking the van, and Michele in front


The 2m Yagi goes up first on a ten-foot mast


And then the 6m beam goes under it.


Well, it all worked last year...


Antennas for 440 and 1296 using an Armstrong Rotator


Scott operating WSJT FT8 on 6m


The nature of the contest has changed radically in the last year
Now, the computer runs the radio, generates and decodes signals and keeps the log
CW and SSB have taken a hit with the advent of WSJT mode FT8


Michele's humble station on 220 FM


Sunset on Saturday


Sunrise on Sunday at 5:30 AM


At 4000 feet, we're above the clouds


Thanks to Fred, W6FNO, for the use of his Pleasants Peak radio site


The hill slopes downward behind the van, making use of the ladder difficult
The rear license plate is at eye-level.


Grid Squares Worked on 6m - Phone and FT8


First Place Orange Section

First Place Unlimited Multi Southwestern Division